Why Curiosity is an Essential Leadership Trait

Jerry Swon
2 min readJan 5, 2022

Leadership can be complicated. Leadership experts have spent years studying the topic, and many different theories exist about what makes up an effective leader. But one thing that all successful leaders have in common is curiosity — they are always learning new things. Here are reasons why curiosity is an essential leadership trait.

Encourages learning
Leaders should stay curious and be up to date with industry trends to learn new things and stay ahead of the curve for effective leadership. A good leader should always learn new things and try to bring new ideas that will improve their team. They should also be open-minded and ready to embrace ideas from their team members, which will encourage them to keep learning.

Sparks innovations
Curiosity is one of the best ways to increase creativity. When someone has an open mind and continues learning new things, they are more likely to come up with innovative solutions for complex problems. Curious leaders see opportunities for creativity and innovation in challenging situations, making it easier to handle crises. When leaders also learn about different things or explore new hobbies and ideas, they increase their creative capacity at work.

Minimizes team conflicts
When a leader instills curiosity in their team, they create a positive work environment that leads to effective communication. Leaders who encourage curiosity in the team about each other’s backgrounds, interests, and goals help resolve conflicts in the workplace because the members learn what makes everyone tick. Because of this curiosity around others’ views, leaders are able to make better decisions for their teams which builds trust among co-workers.

Widens perspective
Curiosity about literature, art, philosophy, and cultures can help leaders widen their perspectives and see things in a new light. Expanding horizons can provide valuable insights that a leader may not have considered before, which is essential for making good decisions. Encouraging the team members also to grow their interests in things like art creates a rich team that can come up with creative solutions to issues.

Leadership is about more than just barking orders and managing people; it’s about inspiring others to be the best they can be. A leader who has a curious mindset is better able to do this by encouraging learning and innovation and creating avenues for broader perspectives and healthier conflict resolutions. Leaders who are curious about the world around them and their team members have been more likely to succeed than those who are not. Therefore, if you’re looking to become a better leader, start by being more curious!

Originally published on Jerry Swon’s website.



Jerry Swon

Jerry Swon: seasoned financial consultant. family man, proud member of his community, golfer and sports fan. http://jerryswon.net